Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Halloweeeeeeen!

I love Halloween. I'm not sure why, but it clearly has something to do with being the first fall holiday, the pumpkins, and the opportunity for craftiness.  The weather has finally cooled a bit in Texas, enough for us to break out the jeans and sweaters and for me to worry that after Emerson spits up on her first two outfits of the day she will be out of long pants and long sleeves and I will have to do laundry.

As for the pumpkins, the first year that I got what I refer to as Martha Stewart pumpkins (you know what I mean...anything besides a regular old carving pumpkin, like the Cinderella variety and the white and green ones) must have been about four years ago when we were living in Plattsburgh. We drove down to our favorite apple orchard for apple cider and mums and came home with some of the most gorgeous white pumpkins. I was so excited that I went back the following weekend for more and they were all gone. I love pumpkins. Thankfully, Martha Stewart pumpkins can now be found everywhere: nurseries, Whole Foods, Central Market. 

This year was a little tricky though. The pumpkin harvest in Texas suffered under the terrible heat and drought conditions, driving up the prices and limiting availability.  Oddly, and perhaps because of these weather conditions, my favorite pumpkin "patch" (really just a nursery down in the Lakewood area) closed down and we were forced to find another spot.  We came up with Rubials, a nursery down at the very south end of Lakewood. It's a gorgeous little place where you could easily spend a few hours and far too much money.

Ford's awesome REI vest, courtesy Mimi & Grandaddy!
Emmy's fab Halloween outfit and bow, courtesy Cousin E!
Oh, how she loved this little gourd.
So of course we bought it for her.

I'll be back with more Halloween fun soon!

- Stacy

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Sixth Monthday, E!

Wow! She's six months old! How is it that it's hard to remember life before her, but her birth seems like just yesterday? We love you, Emerson! Work those pants, honey.

Before we know it she'll be turning one-year-old. Slow down, E!

- Stacy

Happy 3rd, Mr. Ford!

Does anyone realize how much  preschool birthday parties share in common with Cold War arms escalation?  One child has a cool party at Gymboree and then the next child up has a party at the Science Museum, and on and on... 

Up to this point we've had small parties at the house with family, but having attended half a dozen fun, friend-filled birthday parties for Ford's schoolmates we decided this year to enter the fray. I planned a soccer birthday party at an indoor facility hosted by Ford's SoccerTots coach, Coach P.  He's really great with kids and did a fantastic job.

In addition to family, we invited his preschool class and a few of our other friends and I think everyone had a lot of fun.

We did it up with the soccer theme. Like our cake? Egg-free, so it was just so-so, but the taste was far less important than the decorations.

We chose to use DC United colors for the theme and Ford wore his jersey.

Fun inflatable soccer balls for party favors. Perfect for practicing heading the ball when you are three.

Pizza, party hats, blow-outs, cake, and friends. What more could you ask for??

Emerson had fun too, though in this picture she just looks surprised.

We also had a little gathering on Ford's actual birthday at the house, since I am a fan of birthdays and have been known to stretch them out for a week or more.

We invited our friend Kelli and her sweet daughter, Everleigh.

Cousin Elizabeth was also able to come and we were so happy about that. Ford's a big fan of Cousin E. Can you tell?

Luckily, we had some blow-outs left over from the party. They provided a considerable amount of entertainment.

Ford really enjoyed opening a bunch of cool presents. It was a week of presents! Thanks to everyone who sent one. You made his day(s).

Love this. Here's Ford and his "Wise Cracking Spiderman."
He said, "Look Mom. Texas Longhorns." 

We got him a balance bike. No pedals. Supposedly the best way to learn to ride. 

Happy birthday, Ford! We love you!!!

- Stacy

Emerson's Baptism

It's taken me a very long time to get this post up because I have been working feverishly on my dissertation. I am planning to graduate in May, which means that my first draft must be done by December. This is not very far away and I hyperventilate a bit thinking about it.  But I do want to make time to share pictures from Emerson's big day, so I will forgo the narration and get straight to the photos instead. I will say, though, she was a perfect little girl that day =)

- Stacy