I could swear it was just yesterday that my sister started kindergarten. All arms and legs and long blonde hair...well, not much has changed in that department!

But seriously, time has passed so very quickly and my little sister (fourteen years younger than me) has grown into a really amazing woman. She's accomplished so much. Corey's an amazing dancer (two time officer on her high school dance team), student (National Honor Society member) and athlete (she's really a great bowler and has participated in a number of competitions with her high school team!). She's funny and artistic and beautiful. There's going to be no stopping this girl as she heads off to college and beyond.
I'll be sad to see her go, as will be her best friend, Ford, but excited for all the new adventures that await her. We will be looking forward to all the holidays that she returns home!
Below is a link to my shutterfly share site with pictures from graduation day. Good luck, Corey! We love you sooooooo much!
We've all flown the nest!
She has a great sister.. Thanks for this blog entry...