Happy one monthday to Emerson!
We can't believe how big she has gotten in this short time; how she's lost that tiny, fragile, little baby look. Well that's how she appears to me anyways. Every time I get her out of the car some strange person exclaims, "How old is that baby?!?!" I guess she could just wear this shirt around all the time and I'd avoid having to answer their (somewhat leading) question...

She recently had her one month check up and Dr. McClard gave her a big A+. If you can't read the tiny print, she's in the 90th percentile for weight and head circumference and the 98th percentile for length. Way to go, Emme!

I asked when we could start taking her into public and the doctor said she is cleared to go whenever we like. She said that if Emerson was our first she would advise more time at home, but since Emme has a big brother who goes to Mother's Day Out, she's already had an introduction to all kinds of crazy germs. Hooray! I think...?
- Stacy